Emma Den-Ouden is a young(ish) copywriter, currently based in Sydney. Having spent the last ten years in a range of creative agencies, she’s added more than a few strings to her bow and more importantly had a great time along the way. While Emma’s true love is writing, she likes to think she’s more than just a wordsmith. Having once upon a time completed a design degree and worked initially as an Art Director, Emma does tend have ideas and opinions about all things visual – although for her Art Director’s sake, she tries to keep these opinions to a minimum! In the end, it’s about ideas and communication, and ensuring no one sheds too much blood along the way.
While Emma has worked above, below and between the ‘lines’ she now tries to avoid defining where she sits. In these current times of facespace twitterisms, it’s just too confusing. She just believes it’s important to know who you’re talking to and work out something relevant and interesting to say (which of course sells HEAPS of the client’s product). The media forms in which this takes place should be whichever ones work best for that message and audience.
At the end of the day, Emma likes to do a good job for everyone. That means achieving the client’s objectives – whether they’re financial or otherwise – being responsive and pleasant to work with, and not doing anything her mum and dad would be ashamed of. Oh – and to one day succeed in making that billion dollar TVC that ‘opens on a beach in the Maldives’...
Strings in the bow
• Extensive brand and retail work (and appreciation that both have a place)
• Understanding and love of all media forms
• Experience across all categories (FMCG, healthcare, government, financial services, charity and more)
• Long copy gun
• Very comfortable with presenting to clients and a history of developing ongoing client relationships
• Flexible and focused work ethic
• Specialist medical writing skills
• Understanding of legals in most contexts (eg sales promotions, healthcare)
• Happy working independently or in a team
• A passionate, keen and motivated individual
• Experience in managing other teams
• Lots of nice people who will vouch for me (just ask to be put in touch)
To get in touch, email edenouden@yahoo.com.au